Collection: Puree and paste

When consuming fresh berries, only a fraction of their nutrients are absorbed by the body, as the stone remains intact and cannot be broken down. However, many valuable substances are contained within the stone, including essential micro- and macronutrients such as Omega 3-6-9, polyphenols, antioxidants, pectins, and chlorogenic acid.

Under the leadership of well known scientist Serhiy Osypenko an innovative hydrothermodynamic berry processing technology have developed. This groundbreaking technique enables the extraction of valuable components from the stone and skin of the berries, allowing the body to absorb nutrients from whole berry at 100% efficiency. 

The result of this innovation is the creation of new products: berry purees that contain crushed stone and peel ingredients, greatly enhancing the nutritional value of the product compared to fresh berries. One of the key benefits is a twofold increase in antioxidant activity within the paste.

During the production process, the fruit undergoes pulsating pressure and micro-impact to crush the stone and skin cells. This process occurs within an oxygen-free environment, allowing the unique composition of oil, anthocyanins, and bioflavonoids contained within the stone and skin to be absorbed into the paste and assimilated by the body—something that is not achievable when consuming fresh berries.

LiQberry® purees and pastes are made using berries that undergo a strict three-level control for the content of radionuclides and heavy metal salts. For the production of berry purees, the company uses raw materials of the highest quality. The method for selecting raw materials with the maximum amount of polyphenols and a limited amount of sugars is a part of the manufacturer's know-how.